The Best of MacTutor - S…e Code for Volumes 1 to 5
The Best of MacTutor - Source Code for Volume 1-5 (Wayzata Technology)(6031)(1990).bin
Source Code
#43 (Apr 89)
Designer CDEF Code
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
115 lines
PROGRAM DesignerButtons;
{Program name:DesignerButtons.Pas }
{Function: This is the main module for this program. }
{History: 12/19/88 Original by Prototyper. }
{ Modified 1/6/89 }
AboutDialog, ExampleWindow, InitTheMenus, HandleTheMenus;
VAR {Main variables}
myEvent : EventRecord; {Event record for all events}
doneFlag : boolean; {Exit program flag}
code : integer; {Determine event type}
whichWindow, theMainWindow : WindowPtr; {See which window for event}
mResult : longint; {Menu list and item selected values}
theMenu, theItem : integer; {Menu list and item selected}
chCode : integer; {Key code}
ch : char; {Key pressed in Ascii}
BEGIN {Start of main body}
MoreMasters; {This reserves space for more handles}
InitGraf(@thePort); {Quickdraw Init}
InitFonts; {Font manager init}
InitWindows; {Window manager init}
InitMenus; {Menu manager init}
TEInit; {Text edit init}
InitDialogs(NIL); {Dialog manager}
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); {Clear out all events}
InitCursor; {Make an arrow cursor}
doneFlag := FALSE; {Do not exit program yet}
Init_My_Menus; {Initialize menu bar}
Init_ExampleWindow; {Initialize the window routines}
Open_ExampleWindow(theMainWindow); {Open the window routines at program start}
REPEAT {Start of main event loop}
SystemTask; {For support of desk accessories}
IF GetNextEvent(everyEvent, myEvent) THEN {If event then...}
BEGIN {Start handling the event}
code := FindWindow(myEvent.where, whichWindow); {Get which window the event happened in}
CASE myEvent.what OF {Decide type of event}
MouseDown : {Mouse button pressed}
BEGIN {Handle the pressed button}
IF (code = inMenuBar) THEN {See if a menu selection}
BEGIN {Get the menu selection and handle it}
mResult := MenuSelect(myEvent.Where); {Do menu selection}
theMenu := HiWord(mResult); {Get the menu list number}
theItem := LoWord(mResult); {Get the menu list item number}
Handle_My_Menu(doneFlag, theMenu, theItem); {Handle the menu}
END; {End of inMenuBar}
IF (code = inContent) THEN {See if in a window}
BEGIN {Handle the hit inside a window}
IF (whichWindow <> FrontWindow) THEN {See if already selected or not, in front if selected}
SelectWindow(whichWindow) {Select this window to make it active}
ELSE {If already in front the already selected}
BEGIN {Handle the button in the content}
SetPort(whichWindow); {Get ready to draw in this window}
Do_ExampleWindow(myEvent); {Handle this window}
END; {End of else}
END; {End of inContent}
IF (code = inSysWindow) THEN {See if a DA selection}
SystemClick(myEvent, whichWindow); {Let other programs in}
END; {End of MouseDown}
KeyDown, AutoKey : {Handle key inputs}
BEGIN {Get the key and handle it}
WITH myevent DO {Check for menu command keys}
chCode := BitAnd(message, CharCodeMask); {Get character}
ch := CHR(chCode); {Change to ASCII}
IF (Odd(modifiers DIV CmdKey)) THEN {See if Command key is down}
mResult := MenuKey(ch); {See if menu selection}
theMenu := HiWord(mResult); {Get the menu list number}
theItem := LoWord(mResult); {Get the menu item number}
IF (theMenu <> 0) THEN {See if a list was selected}
Handle_My_Menu(doneFlag, theMenu, theItem); {Do the menu selection}
END; {}
END; {End for with}
END; {End for KeyDown,AutoKey}
UpDateEvt : {Update event for a window}
BEGIN {Handle the update}
whichWindow := WindowPtr(myEvent.message); {Get the window the update is for}
BeginUpdate(whichWindow); {Set the clipping to the update area}
Update_ExampleWindow(whichWindow); {Update this window}
EndUpdate(whichWindow); {Return to normal clipping area}
END; {End of UpDateEvt}
ActivateEvt : {Window activated event}
BEGIN {Handle the activation}
whichWindow := WindowPtr(myevent.message); {Get the window to be activated}
IF odd(myEvent.modifiers) THEN {Make sure it is Activate and not DeActivate}
SelectWindow(whichWindow); {Activate the window by selecting it}
END; {End of ActivateEvt}
OTHERWISE {Used for debugging, to see what other events are coming in}
; {End of otherwise}
END; {End of case}
END; {end of GetNextEvent}
UNTIL doneFlag; {End of the event loop}
DisposeWindow(theMainWindow); {Will bomb if you don't dispose of it}
END. {End of the program}